Lina López

Humanistic psychologist, trained in art therapy, 17 years of experience in clinical, educational, and social work with different communities.

Director and columnist of the virtual magazine Vivencias del Oriente Antioqueño.

Other studies

Training in different topics such as:

  • Creativity
  • Medicine and mental health of women
  • Domestic violence
  • Sexuality
  • Basic elements of psychiatry and mental health
  • Psychosocial intervention with vulnerable populations
  • Accompaniment of educational processes
  • Empowerment and entrepreneurship
  • Speaker and facilitator in group scenarios such as forums, conferences and workshops focused on different topics related to mental health, motivation for athletes, sexuality, life as a couple, psychology and spirituality, creativity, life project, promotion of good treatment in the family and school environments.
  • Facilitator of virtual communities focused on parenting groups, educational environments, and circle of empowered women.

Other Services:

  • Online psychotherapy

  • Art therapy for women

  • Art therapy for children

  • Group spaces


  • Mind Design: Meditations, Kundalini yoga and Gong healing.

  • Miami open Mind: Meditations, Hatta Yoga, and healing with Tibetan singing bowls.

My Mission

To professionally accompany human beings in their search for physical and emotional well-being, through natural options that complement their transformation process and enable them to become aware of the meaning of their existence and the relationship they establish both with themselves and with the world around them.


Technique of muscular intervention that enables states of relaxation, pain reduction and stability of emotional conditions.


Japanese spiritual practice aimed at relieving physical and emotional conditions through the hands, with the purpose of restoring balance to the body.


A space to accompany you in becoming aware of the current moment you are going through and thus enable the development of coping tools that lead to a Here and Now with greater balance and coherence with the life you want to live.


With the purpose of reconnecting with the gifts of the natural in us and in our world, these are the elements that will accompany your process in Calmassage.


A gift from the cosmos to keep us connected and to help us find balance and unity with the whole.


A gift of water to help relieve pain and bring us to a state of relaxation.

Essential Oils

A gift from the earth to our senses to strengthen our physical and emotional conditions.


A gift from creation to always have a tool that facilitates relief, calmness, and activation of our being.


A gift from nature and human beings to take us to countless sensations, places, and possibilities.

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